Tony Sadiku

Tony Sadiku is the most intriguing meteorologist/journalist you will ever meet or see. He's been in the industry for a while now so his weather forecasting skills are better than most.

Tony Sadiku has always been interested in meteorology from a young age but he never knew he would become a meteorologist. He used to always love watching the weather and took everything his local meteorologist back home said literally, especially during severe weather events, probably because he was terrified of lighting and tornadoes!

He didn't know anyone personally who did it as a career growing up and for a long time thought he would follow a health care path like everyone else in his family did. But, when he got to college he quickly realized it wasn't for him. At the same time, he was majoring in broadcasting because he still knew he enjoyed it. "Eventually I met a meteorologist who would become my mentor and showed me that I could indeed pursue this as a career if I wanted to. The rest is history" Tony said.

Charlotte is his third market as a journalist and meteorologist. He got his first start in Gainesville, Florida and his second was Fort Myers, Florida. He says forecasting in different climates can make a meteorologist invaluable. "I've learned so much forecasting here! Everything from the intricacies of winter precipitation forecasting to mountain forecasting."  However, he can still bring experiences he has forecasting things like tropical storms and hurricanes to what he does here during hurricane season.


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